Wednesday, December 21, 2011

I can't care about everything

I am constantly trying to be a good mother, a good human, a good Christian.  I care about a lot of things, but sometimes I just have to stop.

My family's Sitz im Leben is as follows:  we are raising funds to be able to move overseas as missionaries to Berlin, Germany and join a church plant called RESETBerlin.  They are doing awesome stuff and we feel we fit there, have been invited to join there, and have seen God continually open the doors for us to be able to go there.  However, since we started raising support full time (since the night before our son was born, almost 20 months) our lives seem to just be getting harder and harder.  Don't get me wrong, I still know and love how completely blessed I am that we have a roof over our heads and we are blessed with good health.  Our support raising has slowly grown to this plateau we've been at for about 2 months. A little more than a year ago we moved in with my mother, just after my youngest sibling moved out to attend university.  That's pretty much the raw facts of it.  Now, back to my point.

Things I want to show I care about:

  • my children's health: eating unprocessed/organic foods, foot health (barefoot shoes), chiropractic care, no sugar, no tv, teaching them to make wise decisions about how to treat their bodies (whether that be with food/exercise or how to not stick keys into outlets)
  • spending more relaxed time with my husband
  • having a relationship with my Creator: quiet time, prayer
  • the earth: recycling, growing/purchasing local food, owning earth friendly goods
  • getting to Berlin: raising funds, learning German
  • training my dog
  • keeping a clean/simple household
  • my children's education: a somewhat homeschool type of situation where their minds develop to think creatively and make good decisions
  • my children's spirituality: teach them the Truth in all things, show them the love of God everyday and speak truth into their lives, teach them to obey their parents so that one day they will learn to unquestioningly obey their Creator, teach them self-control and patience
  • growing my business: learn how to use social media, take better pictures, become more efficient, clean up my work space
  • giving generously
  • having relationships with people I am not immediately related to
Usually what happens is that my husband and I get caught up in our own mental survival and the kids are just along for the ride.  We are trying so hard to not go crazy, it gets really hard to care about all the things that I really do care about.  I kinda feel like we are living out of the bottom sections of the hierarchy of needs diagram, drowning and stuck.  I can't build my own existence and my own mental health because I am confined.  Anyway, it's hard to express the depth of sadness that I try to push away.  It's hard to focus on the mental/physical/spiritual health of my children and I feel really really incredibly bad about that.  Alright, sad rant over for now. I wouldn't mind if you'd pray and/or donate :)  thanks friends.

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