Thursday, December 29, 2011

Community Thrift

I am going to create a new wardrobe for myself with my newfound love of the Community Thrift Store. I know thrift stores are old news to most people, but I could never get over the feel of being dirty when I touched their things. I know that is terrible, but guess what, I have gotten over it! I specifically adore this one I mentioned, but I think I'll start checking out all of them. I am on the hunt for a leather bomber like this one I found at Dillards for $137 on sale.

Is there anything you have been ignorant of and then finally seen the light?


  1. Welcome to the world of thrifting! You'll love it :) Perhaps we can hunt together sometime!

  2. I'd love that... I am terrible at shopping

  3. found an almost match tonight at good will... but it was just a bit too "michael jackson" and too "expensive" if it weren't "perfect"
